If you walked into Commonfolk to buy a coffee brewer and were told to purchase a weird oversized syringe with the 'best coffee maker ever' written on the packaging, there’s every chance you’d turn around and leave. That would be a big mistake because you would've missed out on a chance to purchase the most versatile, transportable and quite frankly incredible coffee brewer going around. We’re talking about the AeroPress.
If you ask any Commonfolk barista what their preferred home brewer is 9 out of 10 will say AeroPress. Thats why we've come up with our 'AeroPress brew pack' to support you and your life long dream of becoming as good as a Commonfolk barista.

So what's so impressive about AeroPress?
There's a couple of things to love about the AeroPress. It is super portable and perfect to take with you when you're travelling with no guarantee of good brews. It's also super easy to use and clean! It's nice not having to deal with soggy, coffee grounds stuck to the sides of everything. The AeroPress is our go-to for camping trips, overseas travel or a Saturday morning brew at home.
But forget convenience can the thing actually make delicious coffee? The AeroPress produces clean, full bodied tasting coffee thanks to a combination of full immersion and pressure brewing filtered through paper that stops any oil and sediment getting into your cup.
Inverted method vs standard method.
There are multiple ways to brew an AeroPress and that's why it stands out as a crowd favourite. We're currently rocking the inverted method but you brew you! This method ensures you are fully submerging the coffee grounds in water before beginning your extraction. With the standard method, the water begins dripping into the cup before it's had a lot of contact time with the coffee grounds, which can mess up your brew ratio and lead to under extraction. Anyone can make a standard AeroPress, but these packs were designed to take your coffee skills and knowledge to the next level.
Brew ratio.
You've probably wondered why we are so particular about the steps it takes just to make a bloody cup of coffee! But that's the secret - great coffee is about doing the small things well. How else do you think we make it taste so damn great. We use a brew ratio (the ratio of coffee to water) as a guide to develop our recipe. For this particular brew we've gone with a 15:1 brew ratio and made tweaks from there.
So now you've splashed out on an AeroPress pack, developed a killer recipe using high quality coffee and then eyeball your way through the rest? Not at all, this is why we've included barista standard scales with in-built in timer to ensure every gram and second is accounted for.
Rinsing paper filter before brewing?
The answer is pretty simple, YES you don't want the papery taste of the filter in your cup. You'd be surprised how many flavour notes you can get out of a paper filter, and none of them are good.
Does it really matter how slowly I plunge for?
Slow and steady wins the race. A slow plunge results in a clean and full bodied cup. It'll also stop you from having a horrific accident. Shattered cups and scalded hands are not unheard of so take it sloooowwwwww.
It can be a struggle to find good recommended recipes and how-to's for AeroPress. This is partly due to it being so versatile, and each roaster has their own unique preference. But in true Commonfolk style we're all about the people and making your life a little easier.
Hopefully these AeroPress hacks spice up your life and make you feel like a bonafide coffee guru.